
At It Again

Chalk another one up for our cancer slayer. The radiation worked! The tumor in her spine decreased from 25mm to 17mm. The doctors are very pleased. We’re very pleased. Our circle of friends is very pleased. It’s exactly the outcome we hoped for. Jordan took it all in stride. While we talked with Dr. Finlay and celebrated success, all Jordan cared about was getting out of the hospital so she could go to Denny’s (a restaurant that neither Jeanette nor I care for much).


Survey says…

It’s a big day for Jordan. We’re off to CHLA for an MRI. We are all hoping that the six weeks of radiation did the trick. Please keep your fingers crossed for us.

Finish Line

It’s finally here: Jordan’s last day of radiation. She’s pretty happy it’s over. After today, we wait until April 20th to see if she kicked the beast’s butt again.

Four More

We’re on the home stretch with radiation therapy. Jordan has four more to go and then she’s done with this step on the journey. She’ll continue to take chemotherapy until the next MRI, which is scheduled for April 20th. She’s doing very well. I’m posting this great photo from the Shutterbugs graduation day. Three of Jordan’s photos are posted on their website. Have a look and see the beautiful photographic perspectives of all the children.


Never Say Never

OK. So, we clearly had technical difficulties on the last post. I will reformat and post for those who wanted to see Jordan’s photo narrative and my mini-documentary of her making it. I also have much to write about … but not today. I’m racing toward deadline on my next book and I’m kind of out of words. But! I will share this little tidbit. Jordan, Jeanette and I went last night to see Never Say Never, the Justin Bieber biopic.