
Window Down

Photo: One of her greatest pleasures–driving with the windows down.


Can you tell how excited she was to greet her Auntie Lisa at the airport? The Slayer’s enjoying time visiting and window shopping with her aunt before she heads off to summer camp on Monday.

The Quiet

For the better part of it, our Memorial Day weekend was uneventful and relaxing. The Slayer worked her puzzles and passed the time on her iPad. She sampled some of her favorite teas, and lounged in several pairs of pajamas. The only events this weekend were a handful of seizures and auras. We have become accustomed to these. Most are false alarms. She has “the funny feeling” and we quiz her to decide whether or not to give her medication.


A good friend arranged for an artist to include our family in a series of portraits she hopes to exhibit in a few months. The Slayer was first up, and performed like a pro. This was a fun and interesting way to capture the spirit of our family.

Jordan finds ingenious ways to get around her reading disabilities.