
Giving Tuesday

Today is Giving Tuesday, and I’d like to make a plug for the Pablove Shutterbugs program. I started playing with my first camera when I was 12 years old. It was a transformational experience. That’s why I am particularly fond of Shutterbugs, a nonprofit program that helps children living with cancer develop their own creative voice through the art of photography. Shutterbugs offers an 8-week intensive program in which children receive a camera, pair with a photographic mentor, and embark on a series of assignments that culminates in a public gallery show.


The Slayer and I spent a little time in front of the camera tonight. I really love moments like this one.

You’re just saying…

The Slayer is lounging with me in our living room. KCRW is blasting on the system. We’re happy and we’re chilling on a drizzly Saturday night. She’s hard at work on a list. She makes lists all the time. Lists of things she wants. Lists of things she admires. Lists of letters she doesn’t quite understand but finds interesting. Little does she know she’s a closet typographer. At one point, she gets completely frustrated with the capital D she is trying to sketch.


To celebrate good news and her birthday, The Slayer went to American Girl and adopted Samantha.

A Ray of Sunshine

Jordan is very pleased with the outcome of her latest neuro-oncology appointment … and so are we. Since she has been off of chemo since April and the latest MRI scans appear to be stable, her doctor suggested that we suspend any further chemotherapy for the time being. It’s a welcome extension to an already extended vacation from treatment.