
Why we love it when Jordan gets to go to camp. Look at how happy she is!

Jordan Goes to Camp, a set on Flickr. Via Flickr: She wasn’t able to go last year because surgery got in the way–and that really bummed her out. But this year Jordan rejoined her friends at Camp Ronald McDonald for Kids, a great camp that she loves. This is her third trip out and she’s been talking about it for months. Today, we bid her farewell for five great days on her own.


20120705_D300_JordanHaircut_01on Flickr. Via Flickr: Jordan paid a visit to her friends at the Christophe Salon in Beverly Hills … and she came back with this fabulous do!

The Anthem of a Slayeron Flickr. Her eyes contain an old soul with a young heart. She’s been here before. Nothing life can’t cure, she thinks. Live it up. Live every day. Live this life, she says. No matter what the day brings, Climb back up. Push the nonsense back! Own a room and breathe life in it when you exhale. That’s her mantra. She rallies those around her to party when the lights go out.


My Rockstaron Flickr. Never doubt. She is a rock star, this one.