
Shower Chairon Flickr. With Jordan’s legs weaker than before, her team insisted that she start using a shower chair for safety. She rebelled against this plan at first, but she’s learned to tolerate it. When not in use, it loiters in our tub.

We escaped for a daddy and daughter rendezvous at a favorite cafe. She has been fantastic the past few weeks, and she grows more beautiful by the day.

Back to Uptime Jordan

She glides her fingers across the track pad of the MacBook she shares with her mother. The white earbud cords dangle from her ears like costume jewelry. She is watching a video on “how to wash a pug” with a cheerful smile and a raised brow. She often comments about the content as if I were sitting next to her listening to the same audio – but of course I’m not.


The slayer is coming home today.

Jordan is doing much better. She’s still at CHLA and probably will be for another week or so. She’s much more alert and like herself. Unfortunately, the seizures have been coming on stronger in the last day. Nevertheless, she’s in good spirits and she’s appreciated all the love she’s received from her friends.