
Pets & Healing

This is a fantastic article on the strange way that pets and humans have a healing relationship. I believe it because Jordan has enjoyed pet therapy on a number of occasions, and I’ve seen her do miraculous things when pets are present. For instance, she was in a coma, and yet when the therapy dog paid a visit she bolted upright in her bed. See the photos for proof. Pets & Healing

The Conversation Tonight

Jeanette: Jordan, your dinner is ready Jordan: (inspecting the pasta in her dish) Why did you disobey me? Jeanette: What? Jordan: Why did you disobey me? Jeanette: I have no idea what you’re talking about, but that’s not how you talk to me. Jordan: I told you what I wanted for dinner. This isn’t it. Jeanette: Change your tone. (exits) I walk downstairs, hungry. Me: Jordan, would you like me to make you a sausage patty.


What’s Up with the Site

You have probably noticed that Jordan’s Journey doesn’t look or feel like it did before. Here’s the scoop: our site was hacked twice. After the second time, I gave up on our hosting service and migrated Jordan’s Journey to Tumblr. In the long-run, the move to Tumblr should provide us with more opportunities to share Jordan’s story with all of you. In the short-run, it will be a headache. If you follow us by RSS feed, you’ll need to update your link.