

The Slayer and I posed for a picture on Thanksgiving Day. We are thankful for so much, but especially the love and support of our friends and family. #SlayCancer

[youtube] Jordan and Alex’s Lemonade Stand Foundation are asking you to consider a different kind of “sleigh” this year. Help us “slay” childhood cancer!

Tradition Stands

We have an annual Halloween tradition. I asked Jeanette when it started. She was unsure. We think it began the year that Jordan broke the curse–the annual misfortune that struck us in the month of October. In 2004, Jordan was diagnosed. In 2005, she ended up in a wheelchair. In 2006, she was in a coma. But in 2007, we got through the month without any trips to hospitals or setbacks in health.


Crayon crown

At least for today, she’s not a Slayer. She’s a purple crayon.


The slayer’s back in some stylish new casts. Purple!