the journey

Luc, the studio mogul

Jordan’s brother Luc has taken to animation. He enjoys doing stop-motion using a video camera and his MacBook. He and his godbrother launched their own studio, Inbox Studios making clips they label Claytoons. You can view them all on YouTube under the handle, animation508.

The Constant Interlocutor

“What a funny little girl,” they think to themselves as she gesticulates with a quirky greeting. Little do they know they are down for the count. A conversation with Jordan is untamed, frenetic, and customarily one-sided. She begins with random observations dissected from a linear thought but delivered in fragments.“He shoved the whole peanut butter cup in his mouth.” This is a standard opening. No, “hello, I’m Jordan.” That’s far too pedantic.


The Surprise Visit

Jordan is doing well. The new chemo drugs seem to make her more nauseous, but she won’t be doing them as often. She gets a break from the IV this week.

Departing Childhood

Sometimes it is hard to find anything to write about. Jordan’s story is blended with crescendos and quiet passages. During the most turbulent times the words pour out of me in my mind’s effort to vent, cope and adapt. But during the tranquil moments I struggle to express the emotions. They are no less profound, just harder to express. As I watch Jordan orchestrate her life I am most often silent, introspective and humbled.


Love Mails

– Jordan, who are you talking to? – Grandma. – It’s 6:30 in the morning! – That’s ok, Dad. She’s an early bird like us. – Jordan, that’s too early to call people. – Dad, I’m on the phone. This is how it goes now. But there are plentiful benefits. Nearly every day she calls me at work. I don’t carry my phone around with me much, so I return to my desk to find new voice mails from her.